U is for Us

Us and thoughts of 'random acts of kindness', and how do I make these into actions today? How will I act from my heart and not my unconscious?  

picture credit

De Tout Coeur Limousin
De Tout Coeur
A-to-Z challenge
Please check out the other participants of the A-to-Z challenge too :
Do get in touch and let us know your stories and experiences.  We look forward to welcoming you to De Tout Coeur Limousin.  

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  1. Your pictures say it all! Love those chipmunks (or gerbals) We all need these gentle reminders about kindness and "us." Thank you!
    Visiting from A-Z Blogging

    1. Thanks. Think they may be some helpful, kind hamsters ;-) Thanks too for stopping by :-)

  2. Lovely photos and thoughts thank you. Awareness of actions is important - may they be kind actions.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. You are very welcome. Thanks for stopping by again. Agree completely with the need for awareness of our actions. To become conscious and able to act from kindness and love...

  3. Replies
    1. A simple sentiment that we can all understand at a deep level ...to attach and become us. Thanks :-)

  4. I've always loved that Albert Pine quote. I think there are many who could learn an important lesson from his words. Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

    1. I agree - a beautiful quote, and lesson for us all. Thanks for stopping by too - always appreciated :-)


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