H is for Harmony & the wise words of Einstein and Finding Nemo

Out of clutter, find simplicity
From discord, find harmony
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
- Albert Einstein - 

When we are struggling in our lives, we can remember in the middle (sometimes it feels deep down in the middle!) there is always opportunity and always a choice.  For me that also means hope.  A reason not to give up and keep going. However bleak or hopeless we may feel.  There is always a chance for learning and light at the end of the tunnel.  Sometimes the words of another are useless and fall on deaf ears - we can be too 'wrapped up' in our own stuckness and sadness to see any alternative or opportunity to move forward.  But as a little fish called Dory once said; "just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" ....

image credit:  pixar.wikia.com
Do get in touch and let us know what these words mean to you.  How do you find harmony and opportunity when things feel difficult?

De Tout Coeur Limousin
De Tout Coeur

A-to-Z challenge
Please check out the other participants of the A-to-Z challenge too :-)


  1. Nice! And yes I do actually. When the going gets REALLY tough I tend to come together and balance things out. I cannot handle the little things and crisis' but I can sure handle the big ones! Thanks for visiting my A to Z post! Yes Halibut are HUGE!
    Cabin Goddess

    1. Good to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by :-) I like to think i'm good in a crisis too - but little things are another story...just keep swimming, just keep swimming ;-)

  2. Fantastic! What a great quote by Einstein! And Nemo is so wise for such a little guy!

    1. Thanks - and who would have thought Finding Nemo was such a philosophical film! Very wise little fishes :-)

  3. Keep swimming or if being chased by Limousin run like heck!

    1. Indeed! Had a bit of a close call with a herd the other day. They definitely had a hungry glint in their eyes!!

  4. Wise words from a nice movie! :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
    Minion, Capt. Alex's Ninja Minion Army
    The 2014 Blogging from A-Z Challenge

    1. Thanks for stopping by - I agree lovely movie and wise words :-)

  5. When things get tough, I find harmony and solace through DOING. I guess it is swimming. Sometimes it's pushing on the task I was supposed to do.. like writing a difficult project. Sometimes I run away from it all.... go to my garden where I can get physical and pull weeds and dig and water and harvest, and by the time I come back into the house, I'm ready for a hot shower and a good night's sleep. It doesn't solve my problem. But usually the adrenalin leaves me in better spirits.. and then the next day I can try again.. move forward again.

    1. I find gardening helpful too. Concentrating on the task in hand and being physical can be useful. Just keep moving. Start again... Thanks for stopping by :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Who knew eh? Will have to watch that film again :-)

  7. Love your post and the other images are beautiful too :)

    1. Thanks - very kind of you to stop by and your lovely comments :-)

  8. An inspiring post. I like both the quotes and also the "feel" of your blog! Will be visiting often now :) And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

  9. Thank you so much and for the lovely compliment. Inspiration is my theme for today http://detoutcoeurlimousin.blogspot.fr/2014/04/inspiration.html

  10. It is being able to work your way to the middle and out the other side that allows some people to overcome obstacles in their life that other people allow to destroy theirs. I think much of it boils down to childhood and the way you learnt to deal with problems plus probably a bit of genetics.
    I notice from an earlier comment that my memory re cattle was probably correct.
    I'm enjoying your posts and will see more of you. Cheers Irene

  11. Hi Irene - and thanks again for stopping by. I agree we learn how to deal with obstacles in our childhood, but if this was not effective we can luckily learn and experience alternatives - through good relationships, whether this is a good friend or partner or therapy. I believe there is always hope for people to find harmony, whatever their start in life. Enjoy your weekend and look forward to seeing you here again hopefully :-)


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