The A-to-Z Challenge - A is for Answers - and not always needing to know what they are because 'sometimes amazing things happen'

“Nobody knows how things will turn out, that's why they go ahead and play the game...You give it your all and sometimes amazing things happen, but it's hardly ever what you expect.” 

Gennifer CholdenkoAl Capone Does My Shirts

A is for April and the start of the A-to-Z Blogging challenge.  So here goes!  A is also for Answers - and not always needing to know what they are because 'sometimes amazing things happen'.   

For each of us this will mean something different; for me it's about going off the beaten track on my hikes, ending up covered in mud, but discovering a new route to the Lake.  Or signing up to a blogging challenge which means I have to find something to write about every day (apart from Sunday), and not knowing if I'll be able find the words.  Or at the more extreme end moving to the middle of rural France!  

Ignoring the fact we could not speak more than 'campsite French' and had seen the house only twice we decided to take the plunge and make the life changing move to the Limousin region of France to set up our new home and business.  We left with teary eyes and exclamations of "you're very brave" ringing in our ears just a few months ago.  

I am not sure brave was the right word but it was a decision we both felt compelled to make regardless of the consequences and impact it would have. It was (and still is!) a jump into the unknown and uncertainty and definitely NOT knowing the answers or how it will turn out.  

There are daily challenges and struggles that we have to deal with - both emotional and practical.  The biggest of which is dealing with the 'homesickness' for a place that is no longer 'home', and missing our friends and family madly.  

But we are here, taking time to breath everyday and take in what we have and are creating, and trying at all times to do this with love...and of course not forgetting to count our blessings and enjoy the sunsets and the occasional paddle in the Lake with Eric the dog.  

So here's to being lost, not knowing all the answers, and being open in our heart and mind to try new things and go in new directions.  Do what you love, with love and the rest will follow....and "sometimes amazing things happen".  

The De Tout Coeur Limousin blog is taking part in the A-to-Z Challenge for April. The plan is to post every day in April (apart from Sundays) to make 26 blog posts from A-Z. Do take the time to check out others who are doing the same here.  

Explore, Discover & Create at De Tout Coeur Limousin


  1. LOVE this! I may have to borrow that quote! Started my own labor of love a few months ago ( - though NOTHING compared to moving to another part of the world where I don't know the language! Excited to hear more about your story!

    1. Thanks so much , and for stopping by. It's much appreciated. Look forward to checking out your blog too :-)

  2. What lovely pictures you have up on your blog! Wishing you all the luck setting up a life, and with the challenge. Dropping by from the A-Z Challnge from

    1. Thanks very much - good luck too with the A-to-Z challenge. :-) Happy April blogging to you!


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