
picture credit: charmed and curious

I love this quote and hope it inspires and provokes thought for you too.  A message for us all.  Take a chance, take opportunities in love and life.  Celebrate difference and the impractical.  Be creative and dream. I look forward to hearing about opportunities that you have taken and welcoming more of you to De Tout Coeur.  

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De Tout Coeur Limousin
De Tout Coeur

A-to-Z challenge
Please check out the other participants of the A-to-Z challenge too :


  1. Great quote by Cecil Beaton thank you! A play-safer? Too many of us are this and afraid to move out of our comfort zone ... and are unaware of the opportunity of the road less taken.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Thanks. I love the quote too. Being uncomfortable sometimes helps us change and move forward, and I am inspired by others who do this too. The bravery and courage of others helps me believe that I too can give it a go.

  2. This has to be written for me. We took the plunge and went into business with a Chief on the Island of Tanna in Vanuatu in the running of a small resort. This gave me the makings of a memoir but have also had various lives since then. Something you can do if you don't have children. I'd be a little wary if I did.

    1. That does give you the makings of a memoir - I would love to know more about that! Thanks for stopping by too - look forward to chatting more in the future. :-)


  3. Moving out of one's comfort zone takes some courage. When I took the road less taken it was to enlist in the Peace Corps and teach English at a university in Slovakia at the age of 67. It was not easy to leave my country, family, friends, home, culture, and language, but the rewards were worth it all. I had an adventure and cultural
    exchange that I have never regretted for an instant. Stepping into the unknown offers unknown gifts.

    1. Wow! That does take courage. Inspiring! Who knows what will happen but amazing things happen if we step out into the unknown from time to time. Wonderful story, and thanks for stopping by. :-)

  4. I agree. Anything against the play-it-safe mentality eventually succeeds. It takes a while and many tries, but more times than not, the abstract and daring and courageous goes a long way. Thank for such a great quote.
    Silvia @

    1. You are most welcome. Happy you stopped by, and glad you share my faith that eventually we will succeed - if we try, against the 'play it safe', and not to give up.


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