Kindness - "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."

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How will you be kind to yourself today?  Without guilt and anxiety telling us we should be doing something else, that we don't have time for ourselves, we don't deserve it.  We can often find it easier to be kind to others and ignore ourselves.  What would it be like just taking a moment?  For some this can be through meditation or spiritual practice or for others just drinking a cup of tea and sitting in the garden listening to the birds.  Whatever it is I hope you can find a moment today to be kind to yourself too. 

How will you be kind to yourself today?

We look forward to welcoming you soon – either to the blog or in person at De Tout Coeur Limousin.  If you like our blog please share and follow what we do. You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook too. Merci :-) 

De Tout Coeur Limousin
De Tout Coeur

A-to-Z challenge
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  1. Loved that quote from Dalai Lama! I also believe, that we must be kind to others always, for we do not know what battles they might be fighting!
    And yes, it is important to be kind to ourselves too. Like they say, Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.♥
    Shilpa Garg
    Co-Host AJ's wHooligan for the A to Z Challenge 2014

  2. I agree. We must be kind to others always, and consider what is going on for them too, even when this sometimes isn't easy. It is a lovely quote isn't it? There is always an opportunity and a chance to be kind - to ourselves and others. Thanks for your comments :-)

  3. Kindness so simple and so easy and not so common...
    Thank you,
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. You are very welcome. Indeed so little effort needed when you think about it. It's important to make it a bit more of our conscious behaviour I think - both to ourselves and others.

  4. A lovely post thank you and a reminder that it is easier to be kind to others and we neglect kindness to self.
    Thank you for this and I will check you out in the future. I also love the Dalai Lama's quote.
    This is from the 'other' Susan from Garden of Eden blog!

    1. Thanks very much and likewise - really glad I came across Garden of Eden blog too. A bientot for now :-)

  5. Lovely thoughts for today :)

    1. Thank you. I am trying to keep it in mind myself more often. So a good reminder...

  6. I am being kind by being up at 1am anticipating a writing marathon. Sounds like a silly thing to do but I am very much looking forward to it. The marathon starts at 9am in the states but here it is the wee small hours. I have a cup of tea and a ginger biscuit and I had several hours nap leading up to it.

    1. Wow! That takes commitment and sounds intriguing. How did it go?


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