what we learn from nature

"When you immerse yourself in the natural world, you wander a little through the landscape of your soul."
nature, meadows, philosophy, limousin, retreat, de tout coeur limousin, soul, healing, creuse, Lac de Vassiviere, millevaches, plateau de millevaches, retreat France, nouvelle aquitaine,photography, May, spring,
green spring Limousin days after the rain

nature, meadows, philosophy, limousin, retreat, de tout coeur limousin, soul, healing, creuse, Lac de Vassiviere, millevaches, plateau de millevaches, retreat France, nouvelle aquitaine,photography, May, spring,
May morning in the meadow by De Tout Coeur Limousin

"At our center, which comprises nothing, like the hollowness in the middle of a whirlwind, we fall back into the world. Every being is so deeply rooted in others that it is never identical with itself in the final analysis—its essence comprises far more what it is not.

This same nothingness delights us when the meadows lie quiet and full below the night sky, when the small glowing insects fall into their shadows and fade like dying stars. The meadow is a part of our body, folded outward, ready to be strolled through. It is one of our sensory organs in which we feel something that we would not otherwise understand properly."

Read more here: what the meadow teaches us 

Say bonjour & visit us at De Tout Coeur Limousin. Creative & well being retreats, holidays & workshops in the heart of rural Limousin, France

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What's on at De Tout Coeur Limousin? 

singing, meditation, good food and wellbeing de tout coeur limousin summer retreat
summer retreat - singing, meditation, good food and wellbeing

My Random Musings

My Random Musings

3 Little Buttons

The Pramshed
Our Three Peas



  1. such a lovely quote #fortheloveofblog #dreamteam

    1. such a beautiful way to explore and experience the world around us.

  2. This is great and so lovely to read. I love getting away out into the open and away from London. Thanks for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

  3. just so good for the heart and soul to be out in nature.


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