Using Bija mantras in meditation

mantras, meditation, vedic, healing, de tout coeur limousin, retreat, mindfulness, sanskrit, spirituality, sound meditation, chakras, energy, creuse, limousin, nouvelle aquitaine, retreat france, reiki, wellbeing, wellness, millevaches, lac de vassiviere, yoga, workshops, meditation group,
using Bija mantras in meditation

Using Bija mantras in meditation 

In Vedic tradition, “Bija Mantras” are used as tools for the expansion and widening of one’s mind by utilizing the power of sound vibrations. “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word made up of two syllables: “man” (mind) and “tra” (liberate). Thus in its most literal translation the word “Mantra” means “to liberate one’s mind”. In Sanskrit a “seed” is called “Bija.” The word “Mantra” when translated by virtue of its practical use relates to a sound that can “create transformation.”
Certain sounds which cannot be translated into a literal meaning but have the power to create great transformative growth and expansion in humans at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels are known as “Bija” or Seed Mantras.
“The Bija mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify & balance the mind & body. When you speak the bija mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping you focus upon your own instinctive awareness of your body & its needs.”
credit: DailyOM
What is a chakra? In Sanskrit, chakra translates into “wheel”. These “wheels” can be thought of as vortexes that both receive & radiate energy. There are 7 major energy centers (aka chakras) in the human body. They run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Emotions, physical health, & mental clarity affect how well each chakra can filter energy. This in turn dictates how pure the energy is that’s emitted from different regions of the body.
In traditional Hatha Yoga, the 7 cleansing bija mantras associated with the chakras are:

“LAM”- chakra 1 (root)
“VAM”- chakra 2 (sacral/navel)
“RAM”- chakra 3 (solar plexus)
“YAM”- chakra 4 (heart)
“HAM”- chakra 5 (throat)
“OM”- chakra 6 (third eye/brow)
“OM”- chakra 7 (crown)

credit: Bija mantras - the sounds of the chakras

mantras, meditation, vedic, healing, de tout coeur limousin, retreat, mindfulness, sanskrit, spirituality, sound meditation, chakras, energy, creuse, limousin, nouvelle aquitaine, retreat france, reiki, wellbeing, wellness, millevaches, lac de vassiviere, yoga, workshops, meditation group,
using bija mantras in meditation

Practice using the bija mantras with this guided meditation video: 

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  1. I did not really know much about that. Interesting #Dreamteam

  2. This is all very new to me, and I'll have to admit that I've never really had the time to be able to try out meditation. It's all very fascinating though. Thanks for joining us for the #dreamteam linky


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